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The Third Dean


 Leon Shyue-Liang Wang王學亮 教授


Telephone: 886-7-5919728 (Office)
886-7-5919328 (Fax)
Office: M01-504
E-mail: slwang@nuk.edu.tw
Dean's Message

Dear Colleagues,

It gives me true pleasure to complete the first year of the Deanship of College of Management in National University of Kaohsiung.  Again, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of your kind supports.

Looking back on our glorious achievement in College of Management last year, we have seven faculties promoted to the next ranks.  We have numerous faculties and students received NSC, MOE, NUK, and national competition awards.  We have faculties received the NUK “teacher of the year” and “mentor of the year” awards. The Department of Information Management and the College of Management both ranked number one, two years in a roll, in the NUK university-level International Exchange and Cooperation competition.  The list is endless.  But it only reflects some of our joint and diligent efforts, and deserves our full-hearted recognitions.

Like many of our colleagues, we take opportunities of summer break to travel and explore. This summer, I have two inspiring trips to share with you. Together with four faculties from the Department of Information Management (also two colleagues from National Tsing-Hwa University and National Taiwan Normal University), we traveled to University of Salamanca in Spain. Our main objectives were to present papers and introduced NUK as the host of next year’s International Conference of Knowledge Management in Organizations. But we learned more than that. The University of Salamanca is the oldest university in Spain and the third oldest in Europe, with a history of 800 years. However, it surprises me that it does not look old at all. The University not only preserves its national heritage but also equipped with modern facility. I suddenly wonder. NUK is only twelve year old. Are we aimed and ready to last for 800 years? Maybe we should.

Another trip is more fun. Like every year, I have to take my family for a short vacation. This time, under requests from my young kids and my wife, we took a sweet chocolate vacation – the Hershey Park in Pennsylvania, USA. It supposed to be just thrilling rollercoaster and water rides. But it turned out to be more than that. The free tour, provided by the company, of introducing how Hershey Company makes chocolates turn out to be more than making profits.  The tour starts with “Building a company, building a town, and building a dream”.  I thought Hershey is just a company making chocolates. Obviously, it is NOT. They have a “DREAM”.  Do we have a dream in NUK? Maybe we have.  Let’s share.

This is a new academic year with a new university president.  We have had a fruitful past year, and actually 12 years. Let’s move on and up, under the new leadership. Let’s enjoy making our dream even better.


Again, I appreciate all your trusted supports.


Leon S.L. Wang



Dear Colleagues,

It gives me great honor and pleasure to serve as the third Dean of College of Management in National University of Kaohsiung.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of your kind supports and, in particular, the two former Deans for their great establishment.

There are many mission objectives in College of Management that has been well discussed and stated before, clearly and loudly.  They exist in many forms.  However, the bottom line is “How to make us better!”  It could be a complex task or, on the other hand, it could be simplified.  I always like simple approaches.

Recently, we had a trip to visit upstate New York – Syracuse, Ithaca, and Corning area.  Built on the hilly cross-road town in middle New York State, Syracuse University has developed itself into an internationally known university, with a NCAA champion basketball team.  The conference we attended was organized by an engineering department but Whitman School of Management was chosen as the conference venue.  One simple reason is that the school of management has the best facilities to host an international conference in the University.  It is special.

The Cornell University remains its prestige and elegance, just like my first visit about 30 years ago.  It is a campus near nowhere, only next to one of the Finger Lakes – Cayuga Lake.  The first university president Andrew Dickson White was a close friend of the founder Ezra Cornell.  Together, working as a team and sharing with a dream, they built a world class top-ranked institution far from crowded New York City.  It just needs a good team work to start with.

Located in an even more remote area, Corning.  Another world class center has been built.  It is one of its kinds in the USA and the world.  They make very simple products – glasses, light bulb and space shuttle ceramics, etc.  The technology they developed greatly impact human life and recent history.  They are really special.  It doesn’t matter where they are located.

Surprisingly, this trip happens to reflect my personal goals for working in College of Management as well.  I would like to nourish an environment that can better host international conferences, right at College of Management.  To maintain competitiveness, I would like to vocal a simple “123” goal – one research/teaching-related project, two journal papers and three conference papers publication, from each faulty in each year.  It might be ambitious, depending on how you look at it, but together it will make a bang.

“Stay Hungary, Stay Foolish” – as Steve Jobs deliver his commencement speech in Stanford University a few years back.  We are facing budget cuts and limited resources.  Let’s work deep and hard to lay down solid foundation now.  And the dots will be connected and paid off in the future.  In fact, it just takes specialty and team works.

Again, I appreciate all your trusted supports.

Leon Wang


Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
Professor, Department of Information Management, National University of Kaohsiung
Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
Social Network Analysis and Mining
Soft Computing
Information Security Investment Modeling
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, New York Institute of Technology, USA
Associate Professor, Department of Information Management, I-Shou University, Taiwan
Assistant Professor, University of New Haven, USA
Instrutor, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan
A. Journals Papers:

1. Wang, S.L., Chen, Y.M., “An efficient numerical method for exterior and interior inverse problems of Helmholtz equation”, Wave Motion, vol.13, no.4, July 1991,         pp.387-99. Netherlands. (EI)

2. Wang, S.L., “Characterization of Query Responses on Fuzzy Databases Based on Similarity Relations”, Journal of Kaohsiung Polytechnic Institute, Vol. 3, 1996, 157-169.

3. Wang, S.L., Hwang, T.J., “Handling Missing Attribute Values in Similarity-Based Fuzzy Object-Oriented Database”, Journal of I-Shou University, Vol. 4, 1997, 187-197.

4. Wang, S.L., Tasi, Y.J., “Interval-Valued Compound Fuzzy Attributes in Fuzzy Queries”, Journal of I-Shou University, Vol. 5, 1998, 241-250.

5. Wang, S.L., Wu, Y.H., “Incomplete Reasoning of Fuzzy Expert Systems under Fuzzy Petri Nets”, Journal of I-Shou University, Vol. 6, 1999, 107-118.

6. Wang, S.L., Tsai, Y.J., “Null Queries with Compound Fuzzy Attributes”, International Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, Vol. 3, No. 6, Dec. 1999, 509-514.

7. Hong, T.P., Wang, S.L., “Determining Appropriate Membership Functions to Simplify Fuzzy Induction”, International Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2000, 51-66. (EI)

8. Hong, T.P., Wang, T.T., Wang, S.L., Chien, B.C., "Learning a Coverage Set of Maximally General Fuzzy Rules by Rough Sets", Expert Systems with Applications, 19(2), 2000, 97-103. (SCI, EI)

9. Hong, T.P., Wang, T.T., and Wang, S.L.,” Knowledge Acquisition from Quantitative Data Using the Rough-Set Theory”, International Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol. 4, No.2, 2000, 289-304. (EI)

10. Wang, S.L., Hong, T.P., “Incomplete Input Inference on Fuzzy Production Systems Supported by Petri Nets”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 9, No. 4, Dec. 2000, 537-549.

11. Hong, T.P., Wang, C.L., Wang, S.L., "Solving Flexible Flow-shop Problems by Combining LPT and Gupta Scheduling Algorithms”, Hybrid Methods in Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2001, 75-87.

12. Wang, S.L., Tsai, Y.J., “Generating Compound Attributes from Fuzzy Data for Null Queries”, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2001, 1-8. (SCI)

13. Wang, S.L., Tsai, J.S., Hong, T.P., “Discovering Functional Dependencies from Similarity-based Fuzzy Relational Databases”, International Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol. 5, No.2, June 2001, 131-149. (EI)

14. Wang, S.L., Hong, T.P., Lin, W.Y., “Answering Null Queries by Analogical Reasoning on Similarity-based Fuzzy Relational Databases”, International Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, Vol. 5, No. 3, June 2001, 163-171.

15. Hong, T.P., Wang, T.T., and Wang, S.L., “A Fuzzy CDS-based Scheduling Algorithm for More Than Two Machine Centers”, International Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, Vol. 5, No. 4, September 2001, 239-245.

16. Wang, S.L., Chen, Y.C., Hong, T.P., Chien, B.C., “Validation and Data Mining of Inclusion Dependencies in Database Reverse Engineering”, Journal of Information Management (Taiwan), Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2001, 1-18.

17. Hong, T.P., Wang, T.T., and Wang, S.L., “A Palmer-based Continuous Fuzzy Flexible Flow-shop Scheduling Algorithm”, International Journal of Soft Computing, Vol. 5, No. 6, 2001, 426-433.

18. Hong, T.P., Tseng. L.H., and Wang, S.L., "Learning rules from incomplete training examples by rough sets," Expert Systems with Applications, 22, 2002, 285-293. (SCI, EI).

19. Hong, T.P., Kuo, C.S., Chi, S.C., and Wang, S.L., "A Fuzzy AprioriTid Mining Algorithm”, International Mathematical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 11, 2002, 1089-1117.

20. Chien, B.C., Lee, S.Y., and Wang, S.L., “The Short-term Sale Forecasting based on Grey Theory”, Journal of Information Management (Taiwan), Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2003, 1-18. 2002.

21. Hong, T.P., Lin, K.Y., and Wang, S.L., "Fuzzy data mining for interesting generalized association rules," Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 138, No. 2, 2003, 255-269. (SCI, EI)

22. Hong, T.P., Lin, K.Y., and Wang, S.L., "Mining Fuzzy Generalized Association Rules from Quantitative Data under Fuzzy Taxonomic Structures," International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2003, 239-246.

23. Wang, S.L., Ito, S., and Jafari, A., “Using Unknown for Hiding Sensitive Items in Association Rule Mining”, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 1, Volume 1, 2004, 489-494, ISSN 1790-0832. (EI)

24. Lo, W.S., Wang, S.L., Hong, T.P., “A Bottom Up Discovery of Generalized Web Browsing Patterns”, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 1, Volume 1, 2004, 341-345, ISSN 1790-0832. (EI)

25. Lo, W.S., Hong, T.P., Wang, S.L., and Tao, Y.H., “Semantic Web and Multiple-Agents in SCM”, International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2004, 122-130.

26. Hong, T.P., Kuo,C.S., and Wang, S.L., "A Fuzzy AprioriTid Mining Algorithm with Reduced Computational Time”, Applied Soft Computing, 5, 2004, 1-10. (SCI)

27. Hong, T.P., Lin, K.Y., and Wang, S.L., "Mining Fuzzy Sequential Patterns from Transactions", International Journal of Soft Computing, Online: September 17, 2005, http://www.springerlink.com; Paper: Vol. 10, No. 10, August 2006, 925-932. (SCI)

28. Hong, T.P., Chiang, M.J., and Wang, S. L., "Mining Weighted Linguistic Browsing Patterns from Log Data on Web Servers", GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 53-64, 2006.

29. Hong, T.P., Chiang, M.J., and Wang, S.L., "Data Mining with Linguistic Thresholds", accepted to International Journal of Contempary Mathematical Science, 2006.

30. Hong, T.P., Chiang, M.J., and Wang, S.L., “Fuzzy Weighted Data Mining from Quantitative Transactions with Linguistic Minimum Supports and Confidences,” International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 8, No. 4, December 2006, pp. 173-182. (SCI)

31. Hong, T.P., Wang, T.T., and Wang, S.L., “Mining Fuzzy b-certain and b-possible Rules from Quantative Data Based on the Variable Precision Rough Set Model”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 32, No. 1, January 2007, 223-232. (SCI, EI)

32. Wang, S.L., Parikh, B., and Jafari, A., “Hiding Informative Association Rule Sets”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 33, Issue 2, August 2007, 316-323. (Online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2006.05.022) (SCI, EI)

33. Wang, S.L., Huang, K.W., Wang, T.C., and Hong, T.P., “Maintenance of Informative Rule Sets for Predictions”, International Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol. 11, No. 3, June 2007, 279-292. (SCI, EI)

34. Wang, S.L., Patel, D., Jafari, A., and Hong, T.P., “Hiding Collaborative Recommendation Association Rule”, Applied Intelligence, Volume 27 (1), August 2007, 67-77. (Online: http://www.springerlink.com/content/q75n04361j7u6553/). (SCI, EI)

35. Hong, T.P., Lin, C.E., Lin, J.H., and Wang, S.L., “Learning Cross-Level and Possible-Level Rules by Rough Sets”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 34 (3), 2008, 1698-1706. (SCI, EI)

36. Wang, S.L., Maskey, R., Jafari, A., and Hong, T.P., “Efficient Sanitization of Informative Association Rules”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 35 (1-2), July 2008, 442-450. (Online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2007.07.039) (SCI, EI)

37. Hong, T.P., Chiang, M.J., and Wang, S.L., “Mining Fuzzy Weighted Browsing Patterns from Time Duration and with Linguistic Thresholds”, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 5 (12), 2008, 1611-1621. (EI)

38. Hong, T.P., Horng, C.Y., Wu, C.H., and Wang, S.L., “An Improved Data Mining Approach Using Predictive Itemsets”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 36 (1), January 2009, 72-80. (doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2007.09.009)(SCI, EI)

39. Wang, S.L., “Maintenance of Sanitizing Informative Association Rules”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 36 (2), part 2, March 2009, 4006-4012. (Online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2008.02.050) (SCI, EI)

40. Hong, T.P., Liou, Y.L., and Wang, S.L., “Fuzzy Rough Sets with Hierarchical Quantitative Attributes”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 36, Number 3P2, April, 2009, 6790-6799. (Online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2008.08.069) (SCI, EI)

41. Hong, T.P., Wu, Y.Y., and Wang, S.L., “An Effective Mining Approach for Up-to-date Patterns”, Expert Systems with Applications, 2009. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2009.02.029) (SCI, EI)

42. Hong, T.P., Tung, Y.F., Wang, S.L., and Wu, Y.L., “An ACS-based Framework for Fuzzy Data Mining”, Expert Systems with Applications, 2009. (doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2009.04.016) (SCI, EI)

43. Wang, S.L., Chen, J.D., Stirpe, P.A., Hong, T.P., “Risk-neutral evaluation of information security investment on data centers”, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Volume 36, Issue 3, 2011, page 329. (Online: Nov 10, 2009, doi: 10.1007/s10844-009-0109-4) (SCI, EI)

44. Wang, S.L., Lo, W.S., and Hong, T.P., “Top-Down Discovery of Cross-Level Web Browsing Sequences on Taxonomy”, International Journal of Computer Science and Knowledge Engineering, Volume 4 (2), 2010, 99-105. (EI)

45. Wang, S.L., Lai, T.Z., Hong, T.P., and Wu, Y.L., “Hiding Collaborative Recommendation Association Rules on Horizontally Partitioned Data”, Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2010, 47-67. (SCI, EI)

46. Hong, T.P., Tung, Y.F., Wang, S.L., and Wu, Y.L., Wu, M.T., “A Multi-level Ant-colony Mining Algorithm for Membership Functions”, Information Sciences, 2011. (doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2010.12.019)(SCI, EI)

47. Hong, T.P., Lee C.H., and Wang, S.L., “Effective Utility Mining with the Measure of Average Utility”, accepted to Expert Systems with Applications, 2011. ( doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2011.01.006 )(SCI, EI)

B. Conference Proceedings

1. Ni, W.C, Wang, S.L., "On the Localization of Eigenvalues for Generalized Eigenvalue Problem of Matrices Partitioned into Blocks", The Proceeding of Annual Conference of Computer Association of Taiwan, 1979, 10.19-10.27.

2. Wang, S.L., Chen, Y.M, ”The Numerical Determination of Shapes and Sizes of Scatterers in the Inverse Scattering Problem", Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 5, IMACS, 1984, 440-443.

3. Wang, S.L., Chen, Y.M, ”GPST algorithm with adaptive grid for solving exterior and interior inverse problems of Helmholtz equation”, Proc. 12th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation 2, Paris, 1988, 411-413

4. Wang, S.L., Peng, S.T., "New Method for the Analysis of Surface Waves", URSI Symposium Digest, 1986, p. 149.

5. Wang, S.L., Peng, S.T., and Schwering, F.K., "Simple Analytic Formulas for Dielectric Waveguides", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, June 1986, Las Vegas, NV, 727-730.

6. Peng, S.T., Lu, Z.M., and Wang, S.L., "Scattering and Guidance of Waves by Crossed Gratings", URSI Symposium Digest, 1987, p. 41.

7. Peng, S.T., Lu, Z.M., Wang, S.L., and Jenkinson, H., "Polarization Conversions in Dielectric Strip Waveguides", 13th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, December 1988, Honolulu, Hawaii, 243-244.

8. Wang, S.L., Peng, S.T., "A Coupled System for the Design of Integrated Optical Circuits", The 20th Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, May 1989, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1455-1460.

9. Wang, S.L., Peng, S.T., and Teng, T.L., "A Knowledge-Based System for Engineering Design", The First International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, June 1989, Chicago, Illinois, 104-109.

10. Wang, S.L., Peng, S.T.,"A Knowledge-Based System for Design Automation", The 21st Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, May 1990, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

11. Peng, S.T., Wang, S.L., Lu, Z.M., and Jenkinson, H., "Strong Couplings in Dielectric Grating Waveguides", the 15th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, December 1990, Orlando, Florida.

12. Lin, K.C., Wang, S.L., "Perceptrons as Edge Detector", The 1991 Long Island Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics, March 1991, Long Island, New York, 15-18.

13. Wang, S.L., Li, P.Y., "Neural Networks for Medicine: Two Cases", Electro International Conference, April 1991, New York City, New York, 586-590.

14. Wang, S.L., "Using Perceptrons for Adaptive Edge Detection", 22nd Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, May 1991, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

15. Wang, S.L., Li, P.Y.,"A Case Study On Expert System Application In Steel Industry", The 1992 Long Island Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics, March 1992, Long Island, New York.

16. Wang, S.L., "Case-based Design for Spur Gears", 23rd Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, April 1992, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

17. Wang, S.L., Li, P.Y., and Teng, T.L., "The Development of Expert Systems for Steel Plants in Taiwan and Japan", Proceedings of the Chinese-American Conference on Global Software Development, October 1992, Flushing, New York.

18. Wang, S.I., Wang, S.L., "An Implementation of Fuzzy Relational Model using Ordinary Relational Database System", The 1994 Academic and Professional Conference on Information Systems, August 1994, Flushing, New York.

19. Wang, S.L., "Measuring Fuzzy Query Results in Uncertainty Management", The 6th International Conference on Information Management, May 27-28, 1995, Taipei, Taiwan, 213-218.

20. Wang, S.L., "Evaluating Fuzzy Query Responses", The Eighth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, October 17-20, 1995, Monterrey, Mexico, 290-294.

21. Wang, S.L., “Characteristics of Query Responses on Fuzzy Object-oriented Databases”, The Ninth International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, June 1996, Fukuoka, Japan, 111-116.

22. Huang, T.J., Wang, S.L., “Answering Null Queries in Fuzzy Relational Databases”, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Management, May 1997, Taipei, Taiwan, 594-600.

23. Wang, S.L. and Huang, T.J., “Answering Null Queries in Similarity-Relation-Based Fuzzy Relational Databases, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, June 1997, Atlanta, USA, 483-388.

24. Wang, S.L., and Huang, T.J., “Analogical Reasoning to Answer Null Queries in Fuzzy Object-Oriented Data Model”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, July 1997, Barcelona, Spain, 31-36.

25. Wang, S.L., and Huang, T.J., “Handling Null Queries in Fuzzy Structural Queries”, Proceedings of 1997 National Conference on Fuzzy Theory, Dec. 1997, Taiwan, ROC, 139-143.

26. Tasi, Y.J., Wang, S.L., “Fuzzy Queries with Ambiguous Attributes Compounded from Scalars”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Management, June 1998, Taiwan, 69, ICIM-112.

27. Huang, T.J., Wang, S.L., “Null Queries on Similarity-based Fuzzy Object-oriented Databases”, Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, September 1998, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 139-143.

28. Wang, S.L., Tasi, Y.J., “Null Queries with Interval-Valued Ambiguous Attributes”, Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, October 1998, San Diego, USA, 2150-2153.

29. Wang, S.L., Tasi, Y.J., “Extending Compound Fuzzy Attributes for Fuzzy Queries”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Information/Intelligent Systems, October 1998, Fukuoka, Japan, 404-407.

30. Wang, S.L., Wu, Y.H., “A Fuzzy Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Algorithm for Medical Diagnosis”, Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop, Novermber 1998, Taiwan, 74-78.

31. Wu, Y.H., Wang, S.L., “A Fuzzy Weighted Knowledge Representation for Medical Diagnosis”, Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Fuzzy Theroy and Its Application, December 1998, Taiwan, 8.

32. Tasi, Y.J., Wang, S.L., “Compounding Fuzzy Attributes from Scalars with Unvertainty for Fuzzy Queries”, Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Fuzzy Theroy and Its Application, December 1998, Taiwan, 4.

33. Huang, T.J., Wang, S.L., “Answering Fuzzy Structured Null Queries on Similarity-based Fuzzy Object-Oriented Databases”, Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Fuzzy Theroy and Its Application, December 1998, Taiwan, 48.

34. Wang, S.L., Wu, Y.H., “A Fuzzy Knowledge Representation and Acquisition Scheme for Diagnostic Systems”, Proceedings of the Twelves International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, May 1999, Cairo, Egypt, 13-21.

35. Wang, S.L., Wu, Y.H., “An Extended Fuzzy Expert System for Medical Diagnosis”, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Management, June 1999, Taiwan, 768-774.

36. Wang, S.L., Wu, Y.H., “Deriving Conclusions in Fuzzy Rule-based Systems When Knowledge is Incomplete”, Proceedings of the Eighth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, August 1999, Taipei, Taiwan, 806-810.

37. Chien, B.C., Lin, Z.L., and Wang, S.L., “Clustering Association Rules on Proximity-based Fuzzy Data”, Proceedings of the Eighth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, August 1999, Taipei, Taiwan, 797-801.

38. Wang, S.L., Wu, Y.H., “Reasoning in Fuzzy Production Systems When When Input Information is Incomplete”, Proceedings of the FUZZ-IEEE ’99, August 1999, Seoul, Korea, 1557-1561.

39. Wang, S.L. and Tsai, J.S., “Discovery of Approximate Dependencies from Proximity-based Fuzzy Databases”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, August 1999, Adelaide, Australia, 234-237.

40. Wang, S.L., Tsai, J.S., and Chien, B.C., “Mining Approximate Dependencies Using Partitions on Similarity-relation-based Fuzzy Databases”, Proceedings of the IEEE SMC’99, October 1999, Tokyo, Japan, V-871~875.

41. Hong, T.P., Wang, S.L. and Tsai, J.S., “Integrating Multiple Knowledge Sources Using Decision Tables”, Proceedings of the IEEE SMC’99, October 1999, Tokyo, Japan, II-142~147.

42. Tsai, J.S., Wang, S.L., “Integrating Use Case and Knowledge Bases for Object-Oriented Analysis”, Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, September 1999, HsinChu, Taiwan, 33-38.

43. Tsai, J.S., Wang, S.L., “Data Mining of Approximate Dependencies on Databases”, Proceedings of the Conference on Management Development, National PinDong Polytechnical University, November 1999, PinDong, Taiwan, 319-325.

44. Tsai, J.S., Wang, S.L., “Discovery of Functional Dependencies from Possibility-based Fuzzy Relational Databases”, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, November 1999, Taiwan, 167-171.

45. Wang, S.L., Chen, Y.C., “A Study on the System Analysis of Knowledge Management Systems – based on Lesson-Learned Credit Card Risk Management System”, Proceedings of the 1999 Conference on Technology Management, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

46. Hong, T.P., Wang, T.T., and Wang, S.L., “A Rougn-fuzzy mining method for quantitative data”, Proceedings of the Conference on Information Management Practices, December, 1999, Taipei, Taiwan, 233-238.

47. Hong, T. P., Wang, T.T., Wang S. L., and Chien, B.C., "Learning maximally general fuzzy rules from rough sets", Proceedings of the Confernce on New Century Development, Min-Chuan University (Invited), March 2000, Taiwan, 1-12.

48. Chen, Y.C., Wang, S.L., Lin, C.H., Liu, S.Y., “The Construction of an On-Line Knowledge Management Learning Website”, Proceedings of the Confernce on New Century Development, Min-Chuan University, March 2000, Taiwan, 413-424. (In Chinese)

49. Liu, L.P., Lu, T. S., and Wang S. L., " Web-based Multimedia Test Bank and On-line Testing System", Proceedings of the Confernce on New Century Development, Min-Chuan University, March 2000, Taiwan, 441-452. (In Chinese)

50. Wang, S.L., Tsai, J.S., and Hong, T.P., “Mining Functional Dependencies from Fuzzy Relational Databases”, Proceedings of the ACM SAC 2000, Fuzzy Application and Soft Computing Track, March 2000, Italy, 490-493.

51. Hong, T.P., Kuo, C.S., Chi, S.C., and Wang, S.L., “Mining Fuzzy Rules from Quantitative Data Based on the AprioriTid Algorithm”, Proceedings of the ACM SAC 2000, Fuzzy Application and Soft Computing Track, March 2000, Italy, 534-536.

52. Wang, S.L., Hong, T.P., “Mining Approximate Dependency to Answer Null Queries on Similarity-based Fuzzy Relational Databases”, Proceedings of the FUZZ-IEEE 2000, May 2000, San Antonio, USA, 615-620 (Invited).

53. Hong, T.P., Wang, T.T., and Wang, S.L., “Palmer-based Flexible Flow-shop Scheduling for Continuous Fuzzy Domains”, Proceedings of the FUZZ-IEEE 2000, May 2000, San Antonio, USA, 363-368.

54. Hong, T.P., Wang, T.T., and Wang, S.L., “Mining from Quantitative Data Based on the Variable Precision Rough Set Model”, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Management, May 2000, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

55. Wang, S.L., Shen, J.W., Hong, T.P., “Mining Fuzzy Functional Dependencies from Quantitative Data”, Proceedings of the IEEE SMC 2000, October, Nashville, USA, 3600-3605.

56. Hong, T.P., Wang, C.L., and Wang, S.L., “A Heuristic Gupta-based Flexible Flow-shop Scheduling Algorithm”, Proceedings of the IEEE SMC 2000, October, Nashville, USA, 319-322.

57. Wang, S.L., Chen, Y.C., “Data Mining in Database Reverse Engineering”, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, November 2000, Taiwan, 49-56. (In Chinese)

58. Hong, T.P., Lin, K.Y., and Wang, S.L., "Mining generalized association rules from quantitative data", The International Workshop on Intelligent Systems Resolutions in The Eighth Bellman Continuum, 2000, pp. 75-78 (Invited).

59. Wang, S.L., Shen, J.W., Hong, T.P., “Discovering Functional Dependencies Incrementally from Fuzzy Relational Databases”, Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Fuzzy Theroy and Its Application, December 2000, Taiwan, 17.

60. Chen, Y.C., Wang, S.L., and Chien, B.C., “Validation of Inclusion Dependency in Relational Databases”, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Management, May 2001, Taipei, Taiwan, A19. (In Chinese)

61. Lo, W.S., Wang, S.L., Hong, T.P., “Data Mining in Supply Chain Managment”, Proceedings of the 2001 Conference on Decision Science, June 2001, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

62. Wang, S.L., Shen, J.W., Hong, T.P., “Incremental Data Mining of Functional Dependencies”, Proceedings of the Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference, 2001, Vancouver, Canada, 1322-1326.

63. Hong, T.P., Lin, K.Y., and Wang, S.L., "Mining Fuzzy Sequential Patterns from Multiple-Items Transactions”, Proceedings of the Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference, 2001, Vancouver, Canada, 1317-1321.

64. Wang, S.L., Chen, Y.C., Hong, T.P., “Data Mining of Inclusion Dependency from Relational Databases”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, September 2001, Osaka, Japan, 505-509.

65. Wang, S.L., Kuo, C.Y., Hong, T.P., “Mining Similar Association Rules from Transaction Databases”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, September 2001, Osaka, Japan, 486-489.

66. Hong, T.P., Lin, K.Y., and Wang, S.L., “Web Mining for Browsing Patterns”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, September 2001, Osaka, Japan, 495-499.

67. Wang, S.L., Shen, J.W., Hong, T.P., “Incremental Discovery of Functional Dependencies From Similarity-Based Fuzzy Relational Databases Using Partitions”, Proceedings of the 9th National Conference on Fuzzy Theroy and Its Application, November 2001, 629-636.

68. Wang, S.L., Kuo, C.Y., Hong, T.P., “Mining Similar Sequential Patterns from Transaction Databases”, Proceedings of the 9th National Conference on Fuzzy Theroy and Its Application, November 2001, 624-628.

69. Hong, T.P., Lin, K.Y., and Wang, S.L., “Mining Fuzzy Generalized Association Rules from Quantitative Dataunder Fuzzy Taxonomic Structures”, Proceedings of the 9th National Conference on Fuzzy Theroy and Its Application, November 2001, 618-623.

70. Hong, T.P., Kuo, C.S., and Wang, S.L., "A Fuzzy AprioriTid Mining Algorithm with Reduced Computational Time”, Proceedings of the 10th FUZZ-IEEE 2001, December 2001, Melbourne, Australia, 360-363.

71. Hong, T.P., Chiang, M.J., and Wang, S.L., "Mining from Quantitative Data with Linguistic Minimum Supports and Confidences," Proceedings of the 11th FUZZ-IEEE 2002, Hawaii, USA, 494-499.

72. Wang, S.L., Chen, Y.C., and Hong, T.P., Chien, B.C., “Searching of Inclusion Dependencies in Relational Databases”, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Management, May, 2002, Taiwan, (I)693-700.

73. Hong, T.P., Tseng, L.H., and Wang, S.L., "Mining Classification Knowleddge from Incomplete Data," Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Management, May 2002, Taiwan, (II) 481-488.

74. Wang, S.L., Kuo, C.Y., Hong, T.P., “Mining Fuzzy Similar Association Rules from Quantitative Data”, Proceedings of NAFIPS 2002, June 2002, USA.

75. Hong, T.P., Chiang, M.J., and Wang, S.L., "Mining Weighted Linguistic Association Rules," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, July 2002, France.

76. Wang, S.L., Lo, W.S., and Hong, T.P., “Discovery of Cross-Level Sequential Patterns from Transaction Databases”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, September 2002, Crema, Italy, 683-687.

77. Hong, T.P., Chiang, M.J., and Wang, S.L., "Mining Weighted Browsing Patterns with Linguistic Minimum Supports and Confidences", Proceedings of IEEE SMC 2002, Tunisia, Volume 4.

78. Wang, S.L., Kuo, C.Y., Hong, T.P., “Mining Fuzzy Similar Sequential Patterns from Quantitative Data”, Proceedings of IEEE SMC 2002, Tunisia, Volume 7.

79. Wang, S.L., Lo, W.S., and Hong, T.P., “Discovery of Fuzzy Multiple-Level Web Browsing Patterns”, Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, November 2002, Singapore, 636-640.

80. Lo, W.S., Wang, S.L., and Hong, T.P., “Discovery of Fuzzy Multiple-Level Sequential Patterns from Transaction Databases”, Proceedings of the 10th National Conference on Fuzzy Theroy and Its Application, November 2002, 55.

81. Hong, T.P., Chiang, M.J., and Wang, S.L., "Mining Fuzzy Weighted Browsing Patterns from Time Durations", Proceedings of the 10th National Conference on Fuzzy Theroy and Its Application, November 2002, 56.

82. Hong, T.P., Horng, C.Y., and Wang, S.L., "Improving Data Mining Efficiency by Predictive Itemsets", accepted to the 7th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, November 2002, Taiwan.

83. Hong, T.P., Lin, K.Y., and Wang, S.L., “Mining a Complete Set of Linguistic Browsing Patterns”, accepted to the 8th Conference on Systems and Information Management, November 2002, Taiwan.

84. Wang, S.L., Lo, W.S., and Hong, T.P., “Top-Down Discovery of Generalized Web Browsing Patterns”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Management, July 2003, Taiwan, 1161-1167.

85. Lo, W.S., Hong, T.P., Wang, S.L., and Tao, Y.H., “Semantic Web and Multiple-Agents in SCM”, Proceedings of the 2003 Industrial Electronic Commerce Conference, July 2003, Taiwan, 40.

86. Wang, S.L., Lo, W.S., and Hong, T.P., “Mining of Generalized Web Browsing Patterns”, Proceedings of the 7th World Multiconference on Systemics Cybernetics and Informatics, July 2003, Florida, USA, 267-271.

87. Wang, S.L., Tzou, W.C., Tzou, Lin, J.H, and Hong, T.P., “Maintenance of Discovered Functional Dependencies: Incremental Deletion”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Application, August 2003, Oklahoma, USA, 579-588.

88. Hong, T.P., Lin, C.E., Lin, J.H., and Wang, S.L., “Learning Hierarchical Attribute Values by Rough Sets”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Application, August 2003, Oklahoma, USA, 559-568.

89. Chien, B.C., Liao, S.Y., and Wang, S.L., “Generating Concept Hierarchies for Categorical Attributes usng Rough Entropy”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Application, August 2003, Oklahoma, USA, 549-558.

90. Wang, S.L., Wang, M.H., Lin, W.Y., and Hong, T.P., “Efficient Generation of Adaptive-Support Association Rules”, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2003, Washington D.C., USA, 894-899.

91. Wang, S.L., Huang, K.W., Wang, T.C., and Hong, T.P., “Maintenance of Discovered Informative Rule Sets: Incremental Insertion”, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2003, Washington D.C., USA, 2394-2399.

92. Hong, T.P., Lin, C.E., Lin, J.H., and Wang, S.L., “Learning a Coverage Set of Multiple-Level Certain and Possible Rules by Rough Sets”, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2003, Washington D.C., USA, 2605-2610.

93. Lo, W.S., Hong, T.P., and Wang, S.L., “A Top-Down Fuzzy Cross-Level Web-Mining Approach”, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2003, Washington D.C., USA, 2684-2689.

94. Wang, S.L., Ito, S., and Jafari, A., “Using Unknown for Hiding Sensitive Items in Association Rule Mining”, Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, July 2004, Athens, Greece, 487-684.

95. Lo, W.S., Wang, S.L., Hong, T.P., “A Bottom Up Discovery of Generalized Web Browsing”, Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, July 2004, Athens, Greece, 487-540.

96. Wang, S.L., Lee, Y.H., Billis, S., and Jafari, A., “Hiding Sensitive Items in Privacy Preserving Association Rule Mining”, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2004, Hague, Netherlands, 3239-3244.

97. Wang, S.L., Wang, M.H., Lin, W.Y., and Hong, T.P., “Adjustable Discovery of Adaptive-Support Association Rules for Collaborative Recommendation Systems”, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2004, Hague, Netherlands, 3250-3254.

98. Wang, S.L., Jafari, A., “Using Unknown for Hiding Sensitive Predictive Association Rules”, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, August 2005, Las Vegas, USA, 223-228.

99. Wang, S.L., Jafari, A., “Hiding Sensitive Predictive Association Rules”, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2005, Hawaii, USA, 164-169.

100.Wang, S.L., Huang, K.W., Wang, T.C., and Hong, T.P., “Maintenance of Discovered Informative Rule Sets: Incremental Deletion”, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2005, Hawaii, USA, 170-175.

101.Wang, S.L., Maskey, R., and Jafari, A., “One Scan Sanitization of Informative Association Rule”, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, September 2006, Hawaii, USA, 516-521.

102.Hong, T.P., Liou, Y.L., and Wang, S.L., “Learning with Hierarchical Quantitative Attributes by Fuzzy Rough Sets”, 9th Joint Conferences on Information Sciences, October 8-11, 2006, 1309-1312.

103.Wang, S.L., Maskey, R., Jafari, A., and Hong, T.P., “Efficient Sanitization of Informative Association Rules with Updates”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Automation, December 15-17, 2006, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 331-336.

104.Hong, T.P., Wu, M.T., Tung, Y.F., and Wang, S.L., “Using Escape Operations in Gene-set Genetic Algorithms”, accepted to the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2007, Montreal, Canada, 3907-3911.

105.Wang, S.L., Hong, T.P., “One-Scan Sanitization of Collaborative Recommendation Association Rules”, Proceedings of National Computer Symposium, November, 2007, Taichun, Taiwan, 170-176.

106.Wang, S.L., Stirpe, P.A., and Hong, T.P., “Modeling Optimal Security Investment of Information Centers”, The PAKDD 2008 Workshop on Data Mining for Decision Making and Risk Management, May, 2008, Osaka, Japan, 293-304.

107.Wang, S.L., Chen, J.D., and Hong, T.P., “Probabilistic Modeling and Analysis of Information Center Security”, Proceedings of International Conference on Information Management, May, 2008, Taiwan, 182.

108.Hong, T.P., Tung, Y.F., Wang, S.L., Wu, M.T., and Wu, Y.L., “Extracting Membership Functions in Fuzzy Data Mining by Ant Colony Systems”, Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, July, 2008, Kunming, China.

109.Wang, S.L., Lai, T.Z., Hong, T.P., Wu, Y.L., “Efficient Hiding of Collaborative Recommendation Association Rules with Updates”, Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, December, 2008, San Diego, USA.

110.Hong, T.P., Tung, Y.F., Wang, S.L., and Wu, Y.Y., “A Multi-level Ant-based Algorithm for Fuzzy Data Mining”, 28th North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Annual Conference, June, 2009, Cincinnati, USA.

111.Wang, S.L., Lai, T.Z., Hong, T.P., Wu, Y.L., “Hiding Predictive Association Rules on Horizontally Distributed Data”, Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, June, 2009, Tainan, Taiwan, 133-141.

112.Wang, S.L., Chen, J.D., Hong, T.P., Stirpe, P.A., “Probabilistic Analysis of Information Center Insecurity”, Opportunities and Challenges for Next- Generation Applied Intelligence, Springer Verlag, pp. 175 - 180, June, 2009.

113.Hong, T.P., Lee, C.H., and Wang, S.L., “Mining High Average-Utility Itemsets”, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2009, San Antonio, USA.

114.Hong, T.P., Lee, C.H., and Wang, S.L., “An Incremental Mining Algorithm for High Average-Utility Itemsets”, 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks, December 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

115.Wang, S.L., Hong, T.P., Tsai, Y.C., Kao, Y.H., “Hiding Sensitive Association Rules on Stars”, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, August 2010, San Jose, USA.

116.Hong, T.P., Yang, K.T., Lin, C.W., and Wang, S.L., “Evolutionary Privacy-Preserving Data Mining”, World Automation Congress, September 2010, Kobe, Japan.

117.Wang, S.L., Hong, T.P., Tsai, Y.C., Kao, H.Y., “Multi-table Association Rules Hiding”, The Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), November 2010, Cairo, Egypt.

118.Wang, S.L., Tsai, Y.C., Kao, H.Y., Hong, T.P., “Anonymizing Set-valued Social Data”, The 2010 International Symposium on Social Computing and Networking (SocialNet’10), December 2010, Hangzhou, China. (Best Paper Award)

119.Wang, S.L., Tsai, Z.Z., Hong, T.P., Ting, I.H., “Anonymizing Shortest Paths on Social Network Graphs”, The Third Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS). April, 2011, Daegu, Korea. (Best Paper Award)

120.Hong, T.P., Lin, C.W., Yang, K.T., and Wang, S.L., “A Heuristic Data-Sanitization Approach Based on TF-IDF”, accepted to IEA/AIE 2011, June, 2011, Syracuse, USA 

C Book Chpaters:

1. Chen, Y.M., Wang, S.L., "An Efficient Numerical Method for Determination of Shapes, Sizes and Orientation of Flaws for Nondestructive Evaluation", in Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation: 4A, Plenum Press, 1985, 543-549.

2. Wang, S.L., Tsai, Y.J., “Fuzzy Queries with Compound Fuzzy Attributes”, in A New Paradigm of Knowledge Engineering by Soft Computing, edited by Liya Ding, Vol. 5, FLSI Soft Computing Series, World Scientific, 2001, 149-162.

3. Wang, S.L., “Fuzzy Database Systems”, chapter 13 in Fuzzy Theory and Applications, Chinese Fuzzy System Association-Taiwan, 2002. (In Chinese)

4. Hong, T.P., Lin, K.Y., and Wang, S.L., “A Time-Completeness Tradeoff on Fuzzy Web-Browsing Mining”, Fuzzy Logic and the Internet, V. Loia, M. Nikravesh and L. A. Zadeh (Eds.), Physica-Verlag, Springer, 2004, pp. 117 - 134.

5. Wang, S.L., Lo, W.S., and Hong, T.P, "Discovery of Fuzzy Multiple-Level Browsing Patterns", in Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery, eds. S.K. Halgamuge, L.P. Wang, Springer, 2005, ISBN 3-540-26073-0, 251-266.

6. Wang, S.L., Shen, J.W. & Hong, T.P., Incremental Discovery of Fuzzy Functional Dependencies. In Galindo, J. (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Fuzzy Information Processing in Databases. Vol. II, pp. 615-633, 2008, Hershey, PA, USA: Information Science Reference (http://www.igi-global.com/reference/details.asp?ID=7568).

7. Wang, S.L., Shen, J.W., Hong, T.P. Dynamic Discovery of Fuzzy Functional Dependencies Using Partitions. Intelligent Soft Computation and Evolving Data Mining: Integrating Advanced Technology. 2010, Hershey, PA, USA: Information Science Reference. 

D Book Editing:

1. Wang, S.L., Hong, T.P., Intelligent Soft Computation and Evolving Data Mining: Integrating Advanced Technology. Hershey, PA, USA: Information Science Reference, 2010, ISBN 978-1-61520-757-2. (http://www.igi-global.com/Bookstore/TitleDetails.aspx?TitleId=37288)

2. Ting, I.H., Hong, T.P., Wang, S.L., Social Network Mining, Analysis and Research Trends: Techniques and Applications. (in progress) Hershey, PA, USA: Information Science Reference.


1. Vice Chairman of Artificial Intelligence Group, Long Island section of IEEE, 1988 - 1994.

2. Secretary of Computer Society, Long Island Section of IEEE, 1991 – 1993.

3. Officer of Chinese American Academic and Professional Society, Jan. 1988 to Dec. 1988.

4. Vice President of Publication, Chinese American Scholars Association, May 1989 to May 1993.

5. Member of Board of Kaohsiung Association for Information Development, August 1998-1999.

6. Member of Board of OOTSIG, Chinese Computer Association, January 2000-2001.

7. Member of Board of Chinese Fuzzy System Association, January 2000-2003.

8. Member of Board of Chinese American Academic and Professional Society, USA, 2007 – 2009.

9. Member of Board of Chinese American Academic and Professional Society, USA, 2009 – 2012.


1. Member of Mathematics Speaking Program for high school students, University of New Haven, Sept. 1985 to May 1987.

2. Member of curriculum committee, School of Arts and Science, University of New Haven, Sept. 1986 to May 1987.

3. Member of Faculty Senate, University of New Haven, May 1987 to August 1988.

4. Session Chairman for the Second International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Chicago, IL June 21-23, 1990.

5. Program Committee of the 1991, 1992, 1993 Long Island Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics.

6. Program Committee of the 1994 Academic and Professional Conference on Information Systems, August 1994, Flushing, New York.

7. Session Chair, 1997 Multimedia Technology and Application Symposium, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

8. Session Chair, the 3rd Local Business Case Study Conference, 1998, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

9. Chairman of Program Committee, the Ninth Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, September 1998, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

10. Session Chair, the Sixth National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, December 1998, Taiwan.

11. Member of Personnel Committee, I-Shou University, September 1998-2001.

12. Session Chair, the Eighth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, August 1999, Taipei, Taiwan.

13. Session Chair, the 3rd International Conferecne on Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, August 1999, Adelaide, Australia.

14. Session Chair, Conference on Management Development, National PinDong Polytechnical University, November 1999, PinDong, Taiwan.

15. Session Chair, the 4th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, November 1999, ChungHwa, Taiwan.

16. Session Chair, the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, May 2000, San Antonio, USA.

17. Session Organizer, the IEEE International Conference on System Man and Cybernetics, October 2000, Nashville, USA

18. Session Chair, the 5th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, November 2000, Taipei, Taiwan.

19. Session Organizer, the Nineth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, July 2001, Vancouver, Canada.

20. Co-Chairman of Program Committee, the Nineth National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, December 2001, Chung-Li, Taiwan.

21. Member of Personnel Review Committee, I-Shou University, August 2001- July 2002.

22. Program Committee, The Tenth National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, December 2002, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan.

23. Session Chair, in the 1st International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, November 2002, Singapore.

24. Session chair, Hardware and Software Engineering for Reuse, of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, August 15 – 17, 2005, Las Vegas, USA. (http://www.cs.fiu.edu/IRI05/).

25. International program committee of 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, December 2 – 5, 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (http://taai2005.nuk.edu.tw).

26. International program committee of 2nd International Conference on Information and Automation, December 15 – 17, 2006, Colombo, Sri Lanka (http://www.icia2006.org/).

27. Vice President, 2007 Annual Convention of Chinese American Academic and Professional Society, New York, USA, 2007.(http://www.caaps.us/)

28. Program Committee, the 12th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, November 2007, Yunlin, Taiwan.

29. Program Committee, the 2007 National Computer Symposium, December 2007, Taichun, Taiwan.

30. Co-organizor of Machine Learning Application Invited Session, International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, July 2008, Kumin, China.

31. Program Committee, the 8th International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Application, November 2008, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

32. Program Committee, the 13th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, November 2008, I-Lan, Taiwan.

33. Program Committee, the Twenty Second International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, September 2009, Tainan, Taiwan.

34. Session Chair, Taiwan Academic Network Conference 2008, October 2008, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

35. Workshop Committee, “Computational Intelligence Approaches for Ontology-based Knowledge Discovery”, workshop in the 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence, Intelligent Agent Technology, September 2009, Milan, Italy.

36. Honary Workshop Chair, “Ubiquitous e-Service and Business Process Orchestration”, workshop in the 2009 IEEE International Conference on NISS.

37. International Program Committee, the 9th International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Application, November 2009, Pita, Italy

38. Program Committee, 8th International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (CISIM 2009) during December 09-11, 2009 in Coimbatore, India.

39. Program Committee, International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2009), December 04-07, 2009, Malacca, Malaysia.

40. Program Committee, 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Social Computing and Networking, December 12-14, 2009, ChengDu, China.

41. Program Committee, The Seventeenth National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, December 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

42. Keynote speaker, Second Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, March 2010, Hue City, Vietnam.

43. Program Committee, the 2010 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, July 2010, Qingdao, Shangdong, China.

44. Workshop Co-chair, the Second International Workshop on Mining Social Networks for Decision Support, August 2010, Odense, Denmark.

45. Session chair, the 2010 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, August 2010, Odense, Denmark.

46. Program Committee 2010 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GrC), Aug 14-16, 2010, Silicon Valley, California, USA.

47. Program Committee, the Second International Symposium on Aware Computing (ISAC 2010), November 1-4, 2010, Tainan, Taiwan.

48. International Program Committee, the 10th International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Application (ISDA), November 29 – December 1, 2010, Cairo, Egypt.

49. Program Committee, 2010 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2010), November 2010, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

50. Program Committee, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Social Computing and Networking (SocialNet’10), Decmber 18-20, 2010, Hangzhou, China.

51. Program Committee, 2010 International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science (CACS 2010), December 4-6, 2010, Singapore.

52. Program Committee, 2011 International Conference on Data Engineering and Internet Technology (DEIT 2011), March 2011, Bali, Indonesia.

53. Program Committee, 2011 Natioanl Conference on Web Intelligence and Applications (NCWIA), April 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

54. International Program Committee, International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications (ICDIPC), July 2011, Ostrava, Czech Republic.

55. Program Committee, International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), July 10 – 13, 2011, Guilin, China.

56. General chair, the 2011 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), July 25 – 27, 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

57. Program Committee of Databases and Data Mining track, 14th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS2011), September 2011, Tirana, Albania.

58. Program Committee, the Third IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2011), Sep.27-30, 2011, Dalina, China.

59. Program Committee (cybernetic track), the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, October 9-12, 2011, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.

60. Program Chair, the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, November 8 – 10, 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

61. Program Committee, the 11th International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Application (ISDA), November 22 – 24, 2011, Cordoba, Spain.

62. Program Committee, 2011 International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2011), December 2011, Malacca, Malaysia.

4. Invited Speech

1. Invited speech, Annual Convention of Chinese American Academic and Professional Society, August 2008, New York, USA.

2. Invited speech, Department of Applied Mathematics, Natioanl Chung Hsing University, Novenber, 2008, Taichung, Taiwan

3. Invited speech, Department of Computer Science, Long Island University, October 2009, New York, USA.

4. Invited speech, Department of International Business, National Kaohskung University of Applied Sciences, March 2010, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

5. Keynote speech, The Second Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems. March 24 – 26, 2010, Hue City, Vietnam. (http://aciids2010.hueuni.edu.vn/)

6. Invited speech, Department of Information Management, National Taitung Junior College, May 2010, Taitung, Taiwan.

7. Invited speech, Annual Convention of Chinese American Academic and Professional Society, August 2010, New York, USA.

8. Invited speech, Department of Multimedia Design, National Taichung Institute of Technology, December 2010, Taichung, Taiwan.

9. Panelist, The 3rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cyber, Physical, and Social Computing (CPScom), Decmber 2010, Hangzhou, China.

10. Invited speech, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National University of Tainan, December 2010, Tainan, Taiwan. 


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