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The Second Dean


Chien-Hsing Wu (吳建興 教授) 



Office: M01-501
E-mail: chwu@nuk.edu.tw
Ph.D. in Systems Science and Industrial Engineering, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA


Knowledge Engineering
Knowledge Management
Information Management 
Associate Professor, Department of Information Management, National University of Kaohsiung
Associate Professor, Department of Information Management, Kun-Shan University

1. Wu, C.H.*, Kao, S.C., & Shih, L.H. (2009), “Assessing the suitability of process and information technology in supporting tacit knowledge transfer”, Behavior and Information Technology, [Accepted,2009/11/16] [SSCI]

2. Tseng, Y.F., Lee, T.Z. and Wu, C.H. (2009) “Examining the impact of human resource practices on organizational performance by using the AHP/DEA model”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp. ○○ [Accepted, 2009/9/28] [SCI]

3. Wu, C.H.*, Lee, T.Z., Kao, S.C. & Lee, M.M. (2009), “Examining participation willingness of virtual community using structure equation model”, Journal of Statistics and Management, [Accepted, 2009/07/30] [EI]

4. Tseng, Y.F., Lee, T.Z., and Wu, C.H. (2009), “Impacts of human resource practices on organizational performance: perspectives of Taiwanese and Chinese high-tech companies”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. ○○, [SCI]
5. Lee, T.Z., Wu, C.H.* & Wei, H.H., (2008), “KBSLUA: A knowledge-based system applied in river land use assessment", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 34, No. 4,pp. 889-899. [SCI]

6. Lee, T.Z., Wu, C.H.*, & Hong, C.W. (2007), “An empirical investigation of safety climate on organizational citizenship behaviour in Taiwan’s facilities”, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics,Vol.13,No. 3,pp. 255-269. [SSCI]

7. Wu, C.C.*, Kao, S.C., Wu, C.H. & Cheng, H.H. Cheng (2006), “Examining retailing performance via financial index”, Asia Pacific Managements Review Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 83-92. [TSSCI]

8. Wu, C.H.*, Kao, S.C. & Wu, C.C. (2006), “Data-based decision support technology used in the financial service industry”, International Journal of Financial Service Management, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 422-437.

9. Wu, C.H.*, Kao, S.C., Su, Y.Y. & Wu, C.C. (2005), “Targeting customers via discovery knowledge for the insurance industry”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 291-299. [SCI]

10. Lee, T.Z., Chang, J.-M. & Wu, C.H.*, (2004), “Examining the effects of user participation on information system development and job satisfaction”, Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol.9, No. 6, 1079-1090.

11. Wu, C.H.*, (2004), "Building Knowledge Structures For Online Instructional/ Learning Systems Via Knowledge Elements Interrelations", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 311-319. [SCI]

12. Wu, C.H.*, Lee, T.Z. & Kao, S.C. (2004), “Knowledge discovery applied to material acquisitions for academic libraries”, Information Processing & Management, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 709-725. [SSCI]

13. Wu, C.H.* (2003), "On the granulation simplicity for the decision rule discovery in databases: EWI Vs. EFI", International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 14, pp. 28-36.

14. Wu, C.H.* (2003), "Data mining applied to material acquisition budget allocation for libraries: design and development", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 25, No.3, pp.401-411. [SCI]

15. Wu, C.H.* (2002), “TCRM: Diagnosing tuple inconsistency for granulized datasets”, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 15, No. 8, pp. 507-514. [SCI]

16. Wu, C.H.*, (2002), “SODPM: A sequence-oriented decision process model for the unstructured group decision problems”, Behavior and Information Technology, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 59-69. [SSCI]

17. Wu, C.H.* & Kao, S.C., (2002), “An induction-based approach to rule generation using membership function”, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 86-96. [SCI]

18. Wu, C.H.*, Kao, S.C. & Srihari, K., (2000), “GDKAT: A goal-driven knowledge acquisition tool for knowledge base development”, Expert Systems: The International Journal Of Knowledge Engineering and Neural Network, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp.90-105. [SCI]

19. Chang, K. & Wu, C.H.*, (1997), “Decision tree generation using fuzzy measure theory”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol.14, No.2, pp.115-122. [EI]

20. 吳建興、高淑珍、張剛 (1997),"模糊歸納法衍生決策規則之研究",資管評論,第七期,頁117~130。

21. Wu, C.H., Srihari, K.*, (1996), “Automated knowledge acquisition for the surface mount PWB assembly domain”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 393-398. [SCI]

22. Wu, C.H., Srihari, K.* & McLenaghan, A.J., (1996), “A knowledge based thermal profile identification advisor for surface mount PCB assembly”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer-Verlag London Limited, Vol. 11, pp.343-352. [SCI]



1.吳建興,Induction-Based Rule Generation for Information Systems, 85年 8月 ~ 86年 7月,教育部/計畫主持人

2.吳建興,產業輔導-彈性化決策支援系統與資料庫整合設計之研究 (高雄正弘軟體公司),87年7月~ 87年9月,教育部/計畫主持人

3.吳建興,自動化知識淬取演算法之分析比較:討論非引導式EWI,EFI及EMFI之分離化效能,89年 8月 ~ 90年 7月,國科會/計畫主持人,(NSC 89-2416-H-168-007)。

4.吳建興,知識淬取之研究:探討知識探勘效能之可應用性, 90年 8月 ~ 91年 7月,國科會/計畫主持人,(NSC 90-2416-H-168-008)。

5.高淑珍、吳建興,連續資料粒子化程度於知識探勘效能之優劣分析,91年 8月 ~ 92年 7月,國科會/計畫共同主持人,(NSC 91-2416-H-168-002)。

6.吳建興,知識淬取技術之應用:探討電子商務之3M解決方案 , 91年 8月 ~ 92年 7月,國科會/計畫主持人(NSC 91-2416-H-390-005)。

7.吳建興,網路化知識社群之研究:網路社群之內聚力及與網路行銷之偶合力(1/2),92年 8月 ~ 93年 7月,國科會/計畫主持人(NSC 92-2416-H-390-001)

8.吳建興,網路化知識社群之研究:網路社群之內聚力及與網路行銷之偶合力(2/2),93年 8月 ~ 94年 7月,國科會/計畫主持人(NSC 93-2416-H-390-001)

9.吳建興,知識淬取之研究:從知識關聯開始,94年 8月 ~ 95年 7月,國科會/計畫主持人(NSC 94-2416-H-390-003)

10.吳建興,知識評估模式之研究:探討知識生命軌跡,95年 8月 ~ 96年 7月,國科會/計畫主持人(NSC 95-2416-H-390-012)

11.吳建興,知識創新之研究:探討組織知識文化與Goal-free、Goal-driven 創新模式之關聯,96年 8月~ 97年 7月,國科會/計畫主持人(NSC 96-2416-H-390-005)

12.吳建興,知識轉移之研究:IT適化特性之分析與驗證,97年 8月~ 98年 7月,國科會/計畫主持人(NSC 96-2416-H-390-013)

13.吳建興,知識移轉效能之研究:認知系統相容性之影響 ,98年 8月 ~ 99年 7月,國科會/計畫主持人(NSC 97-2416-H-390-002)


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