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The First Dean


 Po-Chih Lee (李博志 教授)





Office: M01-518
E-mail: pclee@nuk.edu.tw
Ph.D. in Economics,State University of New York at Binghamton, USA
Emeritus Professor
Economic Theory
Competitiveness in the Asia-Pacific Region
Statistics, Econometrics, Managerial Economics

A. Journals Papers:

1."Income and Price Elasticity of Taiwan Import Demand", Industry of Free China, February 1975, 26-33.

2."An Econometric Model for Residential Construction Sector", in the CANDIDE Model 1.1, R. Bodkin and S. Tanny eds., Economic Council of Canada, 1975, pp. 65-75 (co-author).

3."Forecasting and Analysis with an Aggregate Econometric Model", Economic Essays, November 1977, pp. 21-40.

4. "A Dynamic Demand Model for Freight Transport on Railroads in Eastern Europe", in East European Transport: Regions and Modes, B. Mieczkowski ed., Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, June 1980, pp. 235-256.

5."Power Sources Planning Under Conditions of Uncertainty in the Republic of China in Taiwan", Energy Quarterly, June 1988, pp. 114-136.

6."Charting Canada's Economic Progress Through Electricity", Connections, Canadian Electrical Association, September 1990, pp. 1-4.

7."Electricity and Environmental Protection: The Canadian Experience", Energy Quarterly, July 1993, pp. 155-171.

8.“Canadian Electric Power Sector”, in Canadian and World Encyclopaedia, McClelland and Steward Publishing Co., Toronto, Canada, August 1997, pp.8.

B. Conference Proceedings


1."Assessing The Role of Large Hydro in Canada's Electricity Future", in the Proceeding of the Conference on Planning Our Electric Future, Canadian Electrical Association, Montreal, November 2-4, 1992, pp. 593-603.

2."Implications of North American Free Trade Agreement", in the Proceedings of 1993 Chinese American Academic and Professional Convention, Chicago, Illinois, July 1993.

3."Regulatory Enforcement and Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions", in the Proceedings of the Environmental Protection and Energy Session, 15th Modern Engineering & Technology Seminar, December 11 - 21, 1994, Taipei, pp.10.

4. “Measures for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions: Canada’s Response to the Kyoto Protocol”, in the Proceedings of 17th Modern Engineering & Technology Seminar, November 16-20, 1998, Taipei, pp.10.

5. “Business Strategies for Industrial Transformation”, in the Proceedings of the 1999 Chinese American Academic and Professional Convention, Washington D. C., July 2-5.


C Book Chpaters:


1. Foreign Assistance and Economic Development: The Case of Taiwan, Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York, Binghamton, New York, March 1972, pp.147.

2.Electric Power in Canada 1992, Department of Supply and Service, the Government of Canada, December 1993, pp.176.

3.Electric Power in Canada 1993, Department of Supply and Service, the Government of Canada, November 1994, pp.175.

4.Electric Power in Canada 1994, Canadian Electricity Association and Natural Resources Canada, November 1995, pp.174.

5.Electric Power in Canada 1995, Canadian Electricity Association and Natural Resources Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, December 1996, pp. 174.

6.Electric Power in Canada 1996, Canadian Electricity Association and Natural Resources Canada, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, January 1998, pp. 166.

7.Performance of Canada’s Manufacturing Sector, Department of Industry, Government of Canada, March 2001, pp. 71 (co-author).

8.Innovation Performance in Canadian Manufacturing Industries, Department of Industry, Government of Canada, Ottawa, November 2001, pp. 61.(co-author).


1.L‘Énergie Électrique Au Canada 1992, Department of Supply and Service, the Government of Canada, December 1993, in French, pp.170.

2.L'Énergie Électrique Au Canada 1993, Department of Supply and Service, the Government of Canada, November 1994, in French, pp. 182.

3.L’Énergie Électrique Au Canada 1994, Canadian Electricity Association and Natural Resources Canada, Montreal, Quebec, November 1995, in French, Montreal, Quebec, pp.181.

4.L’Énergie Électrique Au Canada 1995, Canadian Electricity Association and Natural Resources Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, January 1997, in French, pp. 180.

5.L’Énergie Électrique Au Canada 1996, Canadian Electricity Association and Natural Resources Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, March 1998, in French, pp. 170.

6.Performance du secteur manufacturier du Canada, Department of Industry,Government of Canada, Ottawa, March 2001, pp.77 (co-author).

7.L’innovation dans les industries manufacturiers canadienne, Department of Industry,Government of Canada, Ottawa November 2001, pp.61 (co-author).


1.美國---加拿大自由貿易協定之評估及對加拿大之影響, 行政院經濟建設委員會 1990年, 201頁.

2.加拿大健康保險之支付制度研究, 行政院衛生署, 1991年, 120頁.

3.應用計量經濟學, 五南圖書出版公司, 2000年, 226頁.

4.應用計量經濟學習題解答, 五南圖書出版公司, 2001年, 230頁.

5.總體經濟學, 高立圖書有限公司, 2003年, 460頁.

6.個體經濟學, 高立圖書有限公司, 2003年, 456頁



D.技術報告 (英文)

1."The Demand for Canada-United States Long Distance Telephone Service", Bell Canada, September 1975, pp. 53.

2."Econometric Models of the Demand for Bell Originated Message Toll", Bell Canada, October 1975, pp. 60, (co-author).

3."A Model for Telephone Rate Schedule Analysis", Bell Canada, May 1976, pp. 40.

4."Equalization Payment Implications of the Water Licence Tax", Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, March 19, 1982, pp.30.

5."A Comparison of Total Annual Costs of Nuclear and Hydro Projects", Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, January 6, 1983, pp.16.

6.An Economic Study of Residential Space Heating and Cooling in Canada, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, March 30, 1983, pp. 176.

7."Gross Domestic Product and Electricity Consumption", Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, March 19, 1984, pp. 46.

8."An Overview of Canadian Electricity Exports to the United States", Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, October 12, 1984, pp. 63.

9."An Assessment of the Adequacy for Electric Capacity", Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, November 9, 1984, pp. 61.

10. "Demand for Electricity in Canada: An Econometric Analysis", Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, May 14, 1985, pp. 90.

11.“A Profile of Canada’s Electric Power Sector”, a paper prepared for The Canada - United States Free Trade Agreement, Department of Foreign Affairs, August 1995, pp. 25.

12."An Assessment of the Comparative Advantages of Canadian Electricity Over the US Electricity", Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, January 8, 1987, pp. 28.

13.“Macroeconomic Impacts on Construction of Different Power Projects: An Input-Output Analysis”, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, March 18, 1991, pp. 28.

14.“Impact of Nuclear Energy on Canadian Electric Utility Fuel Use and Atmospheric Emissions: 1971-1993", Natural Resources Canada, January 28, 1995, pp.33.

15.Compendium of Renewable Energy Programs and Projects in Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Member Economies: Canada”, APEC Regional Energy Cooperation Working Group, November 1995, pp.9 (co-author).

16.“Nuclear Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions”, Nuclear Energy Division, Natural Resources Canada, December 18, 1997, pp. 40.

17. “Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Sector in Canada”, Department of Industry, February 8, 2000, pp. 89..

18.“Business Strategies for Canada’s Industries in China”, Department of Industries, August 8, 2003, pp. 28.


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