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The Fourth Dean

陶幼慧 教授 Yu-Hui Tao




Ph D. in Industrial Engineering, Ohio state University, USA


Dean, College of Management, National University of Kaohsiung

Professor, Department of Information Management, National University of Kaohsiung


Distance Learning
Human-Computer Interaction


(A)Journals Papers:
1.Yeh, C. R. and Tao, Y.-H.*, How benefits and challenges of personal response system impact students' continuance intention? A Taiwanese context, Educational Technology & Society, 16(2), 2013, 257-270 (SSCI-2010 impact factor: 1.066).
2.Tao, Y.-H.*, Cheng, C.-J. and Sun, S.- Y, Alignment of teacher and student perceptions on the continued use of business simulation games, Educational Technology & Society, 15(3), 2012, 177-189 (SSCI-2010 impact factor: 1.066).
3.Yeh, C. R. and Tao, Y.-H.*, College students' intention to continue using a personal response system: Deriving a model from four theoretical perspectives,  Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28(5), 2012, 912-930 (SSCI-2010 impact factor: 1.655).
4.Tao, Y.-H.,Yeh, C. R.* and, Hung, K.-C.,  Effects of the heterogeneity of game complexity and user population in learning performance of business simulation games,  Computers & Education, 59(4), 2012, 1350-1360 (SCI-2012 impact factor: 2.775).
5.Chao, C.-S. and Tao, Y.-H.*,  Human Flesh Search – A Supplemental Review, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(7), 2012, 350-356 (SSCI-2010 impact factor: 1.803).
6.吳有龍、陶幼慧、楊倍箕、李京圃*,Development and validation of a scale to measure blog service quality,電子商務學報 ,第十四卷,第一期,2012,211-232 (TSSCI)。
7.Wu, Y.-L., Tao, Y.-H., and P.-C. Yang*, Learning from the past and present: measuring internet banking service quality, Service Industry Journal,  32(3), 2012, 477-497 (SSCI-2010 impact factor: 1.071)
8.Tao, Y.-H.*, S.-C. Liu and C.-L. Lin, Summary of FAQs from a topical forum based on the native composition structure, Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 2011, 527-535  (SCI-2010 impact factor: 1.926).
9.Luor, T.*, Lu, H.-P., Wu, L.-L. and Tao, Y.-H., The effect of emoticon in simplex and complex task-oriented communication: - An empirical study of instant messaging, Computers in Human Behavior, 26(5), 2010, 889-895 (SSCI-2012 impact factor: 2.067).
10.Tao, Y.-H.*, Cheng, C.-J. and Sun, S.- Y, What influences college students to continue using business simulation games? The Taiwan experience, Computers & Education, 53(3), 2009, 929-939 (SCI-2012 impact factor: 2.775).
11.Yu, J.-S.* and Tao, Y.-H.,  Understanding business-level innovation technology adoption, Technovation,  29(2), 2009, 92-109  (SSCI-2010 impact factor: 2.993).
12.Tao, Y.-H.*, Hong, T. , Lin, W. and Chiu, Y., I, A practical extension of Web usage mining with intentional browsing data toward usage, Expert Systems with Applications, 36(2P2), 2009, 3937-3945 (SCI-2010 impact factor: 1.926).
13.Luor, T.*, Lu, H.-P., Tao, Y.-H.,  Lin, T. M. Y. and Tung, C.-H., Determinants of client intention of software outsourcing vendors - A model from Taiwan's financial industry , Journal of Academy of Business and Economics (Selected paper of IABE 2008), 8(2), 159-165, 2008.
14.Wu, Y.-L., Tao, Y.-H., Yang, P.-C.*, The use of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology to confer the behavioral model of 3G mobile telecommunication users, Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 11(5), 919–949, 2008 (EI).
15.Tao, Y.-H.*, Wu, Y.-L. and Chang H.-Y. A practical approach in computer adaptive testing for a small-scale scenario, Educational Technology & Society, Vol. 11, Iss. 3, 259-274, 2008 (SSCI-2010 impact factor: 1.066).
16.Tao, Y.-H.* , Typology of college student perception on institutional e-learning issues - an extension study of teacher's typology in Taiwan, Computers & Education, 5(4), 1495-1508, 2008 (SCI-2012 impact factor: 2.775).
17.Tao, Y.-H.*, Information system professionals’ knowledge and application gaps toward Web design guidelines, Computers in Human Behavior,  24(3), 956-968, 2008 (SSCI-2012 impact factor: 2.067).
18.Tao, Y.-H.*, Hong, T. and Su, Y., Web usage mining with intentional browsing data, Expert Systems with Applications, 35(4), 2008,  1893-1904 (SCI-2010 impact factor: 1.926)
19.Tao, Y.-H.* and Yeh, R., Typology of teacher perception toward distance education issues - A study of college information department teachers in Taiwan, Computers & Education, 50(1), 2008, 23-36 (SCI-2012 impact factor: 2.775).
20.Tao, Y.-H.*, Lee, J. and  Liu,  S.-C., Testing the IS problem-diagnosis framework via Taiwan's government electronic procurement system, Global Business & Economics Anthology, Selected Papers of the Business & Economics Society International Conference, Vol. 2, 2007, 80-91, December, Business & Economics Society International.

21.Yu, C.-S.* and Tao, Y.-H.,Enterprise e-marketplace adoption: from the perspectives of technology acceptance model, network externalities, and transition costs,  資訊管理學報 ,第十四卷,第四期,2007,231-265 (TSSCI)。
22.Tao, Y.-H.*, Chang, C.R. and Chen, C, P., Unmet adoption expectation as the key to e-marketplace failure: A case of Taiwan’s steel industry, Industrial Marketing Management, 36, 2007, 1057-1067 (SSCI-2010 impact factor: 1.694).
23.Wu, Y.-L.*,  Tao, Y.-H. and Chuan-Cheng Wu, Critical success factors of online C2C auction Websites –A consumer's perspective, WSEAS Journal of Business and Economics, December, 10(3), 2006, 749-757.
24.Tao, Y.-H.*, Hong, T. and Su, Y., Improving browsing time estimation with intentional behavior data,  International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 6(12), December 2006.
25.陶幼慧*、吳有龍、蘇士豪,主題聊天室主動行銷架構與可行性探討,義守學報, 第十二期,第93-120頁,2006。
26.Tao, Y.-H.*, Yeh, R., S.-I. Sun, Improving training needs assessment processes via the Internet: System design and qualitative study,  Internet Research, 14(4), 2006, 427-449 (SCI-2010 impact factor: 1.150).
27.Tao, Y.-H.*, Guo, S. and Lu, Y., The design and the formative evaluation of a Web-based course for simulation experiences,  Computers & Education, 47(4), 2006, 414-432. (SCI-2012 impact factor: 2.775).
28.陶幼慧*、黃清俊、楊誌欽,網路論壇FAQ知識之自動轉換設計, 資訊管理學報 ,第十三卷,第二期,2006,89-112 (TSSCI)。
30.Tao, Y.-H.*, Hong, T. and Sun, S., An XML implementation process model for enterprise applications, Computers in Industry, 55(2),  pp. 181-196, 2004 (SCI-2012 impact factor: 1.702).
31.Lo, W.*, Hong, T., Wang, S. and Tao, Y.-H., Semantic Web and multiple-agent in supply chain management, Intentional Journal of Electronic Business Management, 2(1), June 2004 (INSPEC/EI).
33.Tao, Y.-H.* and Yeh, R., Simple database marketing tools in customer analysis and retention, International Journal of Information Management, 23(4), August 2003  (SSCI-2010 impact factor: 1.554).
36.Hong, T., Wang, C.* and Tao. Y., A new incremental data mining algorithm using pre-large itemsets, Intelligent Data Analysis, 5(2), 2001, 111-129 (SCI 2010 impact factor: 0.4).
37.Tao, Y.-H.*, Ho, I. and Yeh, R., Building a user-based model for web executive learning systems--A study of Taiwan's medium manufacturing companies, Computers & Education, 36(4), April, 2001,317-332 (SCI-2012 impact factor: 2.775) .
40.Tao, Y.-H.* and Nelson, B., "A framework for computer-assisted simulation analysis", IIE Transactions, 29(3), 1997, 221-231(SCI-2010 impact factor: 1.186).


(B)Conference Proceedings
1.Wu, Y.-L.,  Tao, Y.-H., Huang, G.-S. and Li, C.-P., The effects of intrapersonal sources and cognitive appraisals on user's privacy concerns in social networking sites, International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2013), Bali, Indonesia, July 7-9, 2013.
2.陶幼慧、洪崑欽,教師採用企業經營模擬遊戲之轉換障礙前導研究,數位科技 與創新管理研討會,6月22日,華梵大學,2013。
3.Tao, Y.-H., Wu, Y.-L., Chang, C.-J. and Chang, C.-W., Measuring of QoE for cloud applications. Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis and Management, Taiwan, Kaohsiung, September 11-13, 2013.
4.Tao, Y.-H., Short review of the missing links in Teacher research models for educational technology acceptance in literature. Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud, Taiwan, Kaohsiung, September 11-13, 2013.
5.Wu, Y.-L.,  Chang, C. J. and  Tao, Y.-H., Closed-circuit television-enabled service - A review of security and privacy issues, 5th ITeS Workshop, IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference, Kyoto, Japan, July, 22-26, 2013.
6.Wu, Y.-L.,  Tao, Y.-H., Huang, G.-S., Li, C.-P. and Lin, Y.-H., The effects of intrapersonal sources and cognitive appraisals on user's privacy concerns in social networking sites, International Conference on Business and Information, Bali, Indonesia, July, 07-09, 2013.

7.陶幼慧,企業經營模擬遊戲的使用者經驗好嗎?個案探討,第九屆知識社群研討會,6月1日,文化大學,2013。(Best Paper -優等獎)
8.吳有龍、陶幼慧、陳俊霖、李京圃、黃國鑫,雲端文件介面設計優使性之研究-以Microsoft SkyDrive及Google Drive為例, 資訊技術應用與管理研討會,5月31日,高雄市,2013。
10.Tao, Y.-H., Yeh, R. C, and .Hong, K.-C.,  Assessing the training effects of business simulation games: Perspectives of incremental knowledge and skills, The International Conference of Academy of Human Resource Developing, Istanbul, Turkey, Nov. 8-10, 2012.
11.Tao, Y.-H., Hong, W.-J., and Yeh, R. C.,  Prototyping an online game platform through the formative design approach based on the Monopoly mechanism, Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud, Salamanca, Spain, July 11-13, 2012.
12.Wu, Y.-L., Tao, Y.-H., Li, C.-P. and Chen, E.-Y.,  A measure of service quality for social network sites: scale development and validation, The International Conference on Business and Information, Sapporo, Japan, July 3-5, 2012.
13.Wu, Y.-L., Tao, Y.-H., Chang, C. J., and Chang, C. W. Chang  Dilemma of CCTV Adoption between Security and Privacy: The Taiwanese Context, The International Conference on Business and Information, Sapporo, Japan, July 3-5, 2012.
16.Tao, Y.-H. and Chao, C.-S., Analysis of human flesh search in the Taiwanese context, in proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and Applications, December 16-18, Shenzhen, China, 2011.
17.Wu, Y.-L., Tao, Y.-H., Lee, C.-P., Yang, P.-C., and Huang, G.-S.,The moderating role of virtual community cohesion and critical mass on the link between online-game website service quality and play satisfaction, in Proceedings of Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining, July 25-27, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C., 2011.
18.Wu, Y.-L., Tao, Y.-H., Li, C.-P. and Wang, S.-Y., The effects of customer satisfaction and switching barrier on users’ intention to switch in using mobile social network sites, International Conference on Innovation and Management, Kuala Lupur, Malaysia, July 12-15, 2011.
21.Yeh, R. C., Tao, Y.-H. and Uesugi, S., Benefits and challenges of personal response system on student satisfaction and usage continuance intention, The 2011 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology, Tokyo, January 18-20, 2011. (Distinguished Paper Award)
22.Wu, Y.-L., Tao, Y.-H., P.-C. Yang, and Li, C. P., Learning from the past: Measuring Internet banking service quality,  2010 International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, Seoul, Korea, November 30 - December 2, 2010.
23.陶幼慧、楊昆山、王學亮、吳建興,RFID應用之擴展-巡邏級督勤管理先關產業應用,第二屆 海峽兩岸區域合作與協同發展研討會,11月1-3日,福州,中國大陸,2010。
24.Tao, Y.-H. and Hung, K.-C. Who performs better in business simulation game learning - A case study of a college general course. The 10th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications, Taipei, Aug. 20-22, 2010.
25.Tao, Y.-H., Transforming the interactive response system to a cloud voting service, SAINT2010 Workshop on IT enabled Services, Seoul, South Korea, July 19-23, 2010.
27.Tao, Y.-H., Hong, W.-J., and Yeh, R. C.,  Designing a Monopoly-mechanism online game platform for business education, The 2010 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology, Macau, January 25-27, 2010.
28.Yeh, R. C. and Tao, Y.-H.,  A Case Study on the continuing use of personal response system in Taiwan from the perspectives of IS success model, motivation and agency theory, The 2010 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology, Macau, January 25-27, 2010. (Distinguished Paper Award)
29.Wu, Y.-L., Tao, Y.-H., P.-C. Yang, and Li, C. P., Developing a scale of e-service quality for blog,  International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Hong Kong, December 9-11, 2009.
30.Wu, Y.-L., Tao, Y.-H., and P.-C. Yang, The discussion on influence of Website usability towards user acceptability,  International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Science, Beijing, September 20-22, 2009.
31.Tao, Y.-H., Yeh, R. C. Personal response System: A model-based case study in Taiwan, 14th Annual Meeting of Asia Pacific Region of Decision Sciences Institute, Shanghai, July 4-8, 2009.
32.Tao, Y.-H., The generalization and specialization of Technology Acceptance Model, 14th Annual Meeting of Asia Pacific Region of Decision Sciences Institute, Shanghai, July 4-8, 2009.
33.杜 璇、陶幼慧、王鈺婷、劉國信、陳佳穗、鄭宗庭,藍牙手機為萬用遙控器之運作機制與實作探討,第五屆知識社群研討會,5月23日,文化大學,2009
35.鄭傑仁、陶幼慧、孫思源,高等教育中學生持續使用教育模擬遊戲之探討,電子商務與數位生活研討會,3月14日, 實踐大學,2009。
36.羅天一、吳玲玲、盧希鵬、陶幼慧,職場上使用「即時通訊」之實證研究, 銘傳大學際學術研討會, 3月13日,2009。
37.Luor, T., Lu, H.-P., Tao, Y.-H.,  Lin, T. M. Y. and Tung, C.-H., Determinants of client intention of software outsourcing vendors - A model from Taiwan's financial industry , Annual Meeting of International Academy of Business and Economics Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Oct. 19-22, 2008.
38.Tao, Y.-H., From Internet Information Search to Information Summarizing, SAINT2008 Workshop on IT enabled Services, Turku, Finland, July 28- August 1, 2008.
40.Tao, Y.-H., Liu, S.-C. and Lin, C.-L., Summary of a topical forum FAQ based on the Chinese composition structure, The Seventh International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2-6, 2007.
41.Wu, Y.-L., Tao, Y.-H., and P.-C. Yang, Using UTAUT to explore the behavior of 3G mobile communication user,  IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, December 2-5, 2007.
42.Yeh, R. C., Tao, Y.-H., Hong, T.-P., Lin, W.-Y., Chen, P.-C., Wu, C.-H., and Lin, J., Adapting Monopoly as an Intelligent Learning Game for Teaching Dynamic Competitive Strategy, The 2007 International joint Conference of e-CASE, e-Commerce, e-Administration and e-Education, Hong Kong, August 15-17.
43.Tao, Y.-H., Lee, J. and  Liu,  S.-C., Testing the IS Problem-Diagnosis Framework via Taiwan’s Government Electronic Procurement System, International Conference of Business and Economics Society, French Riviera - Antibes, France  July 16-20, 2007.
44.Wu, Y.-L., Tao, Y.-H., and C.-C. Wu, Critical Success Factors for Online C2C Auction Websites – A Consumer’s Perspective,  WSEAS International Conference, Hangzhou, China, April 15-17, 2007.
47.Tao, Y.-H., Wu, Y.-L. and Li, J.-K., A Taxonomy of Knowledge Maps in Business Application, Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of Western Decision Institute, Big Island, Hawaii, April 11-14, 2006.
50.Tao, Y.-H.,  Lin, C.-L. and Liu, S.-C., Comparing Genetic Algorithm and Statistical Segmentation in Terminology Extraction for Topical Forum, 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December 2-3, 2005.
52.Yu, C.-S., Tao, Y.-H., Exploring the Firm’s Decision on e-Marketplace - A Network-Economics Perspective, International Conference of Information Management,Taipei, Taiwan, May 28, 2005.
54.Tao, Y.-H., Lee, J. and  Liu,  S.-C., A Framework of Problem Diagnosis for ERP Implementations, Operations Management Frontiers: Winds of Change Conference, Production and Operations Management Society, Chicago, Illinois, April 29-May 2, 2005.
59.陶幼慧、李日焜,隱性知識之線上學習輔助課堂練習之成效探討-以網頁設計原則為例,第一屆 創新與管理學術研討會,實踐大學,Dec.17,2004。
60.Tao, Y.-H., Wu, Y.-L.. and Chang, S..-I.,  An SPRT-based Adaptive Testing Approach for Practical Business Applications ,  DSI Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, November 20-23, 2004.
61.Chiu, W.-Y., Tao, Y.-H., Hong, T. and Lin, W.-Y., Web Transaction Mining: Toward A Unified View on Intentional Browsing Data, DSI Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, November 20-23, 2004.
62.Chiu, W.-Y., Tao, Y.-H., Hong, T. and Lin, W.-Y., A Unified Intentional-Based Web Transaction Mining, Multi-Conference of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, July 18-21, 2004.
63.Chiu, W.-Y., Tao, Y.-H., Hong, T. and Lin, W.-Y., A Unified Web Transaction Mining with fuzzy Intentional Browsing Data, International Conference of Information Management,Taipei, Taiwan, May 29, 2004.
66.Tao, Y.-H., Hong, T and Su, Y. Improving Browsing Time Estimation with Intentional Behavior Data, International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics and Systems, December 14-16, 2003, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC.
68.Lo, W., Hong, T., Wang, S. and Tao, Y.-H., Semantic Web and Multiple-Agent in Supply Chain Management, International Conference on Electronic Business Management, July 12, 2003, Feng-Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan.
69.Yeh, R., Tao, Y.-H. and Wu, C., Segmentations of Teacher Perception Toward Distance Education Issues - A Cluster Analysis of IS Teachers in Taiwan’s College, 7th International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute, Shanghai, China, July 4-8, 2003.
70.Tao, Y.-H., Chang, C. and Chen, C., Adopting factors of e-marketplace for Taiwan’s steel industry, 7th International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute, Shanghai, China, July 4-8, 2003.
71.陶幼慧、蘇士豪,聊天室主動行銷之可行性探討,數位生活研討會,April 11~12,電子商務學會,劍潭青年活動中心,2003。
73.Tao, Y.-H., Sun, S.. and Yeh, R., Efficient Web-Based Planning Support for Training, The Second International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 10-13, 2002.
74.Tao, Y.-H., Su, Y. and Hong, T., Web Transaction Mining Algorithm with  Intentional Behaviour,  the Sixth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies, Itlay, September, 2002.
75.Tao, Y.-H., Sun, S.. and Hong, T.,  XML Implementation Process Model in Enterprise Applications - An MES Example,  7th Annual Meeting of Asia Pacific Region of Decision Sciences Institute, Bangkok, Thailand, July 24-27, 2002.
76.蘇育民、陶幼慧,意圖瀏覽行為分類與線上蒐集機制之初探,第十三屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,淡江大學,May 25,2002。
77.林文楊、吳佩珊、陶幼慧,資料倉儲技術應用於顧客關係管理之建置模式研究,2002年電子商務與數位生活研討會,March 27,實踐大學。
78.陶幼慧、郭信智、洪建志,銀行證劵業顧客關係管理系統之採用調查,2002年電子商務與數位生活研討會,March 27,實踐大學。
79.Tao, Y.-H., Yeh, R. and Su, S., A Study on Perceptions of Electronic Commerce for Taiwan’s Small and Medium Enterprises, The First International Conference on Electronic Business, Hong Kong, Dec. 19-21, 2001.
80.陶幼慧、顏君修、孫勝義、滕宇和、方嘉鎂,網頁設計原則知識之分類架構與系統設計,第七屆資訊管理實務研討會,景文技術學院,Dec. 15,2001。
81.Tao, Y.-H. and Guo, S., The Design of a Web-Based Training System for Simulation Analysis, Winter Simulation Conference, Dec. 9-12, Arlington, VA, U.S.A., 2001.
82.Tao, Y.-H. and Yeh, R., A Study of Marketing Information Technology Issues in Taiwan’s Credit-Card Industry—A Comparison of Perceptions of the Marketing Managers and the Information Managers, 6th Annual Meeting of Asia Pacific Region of Decision Sciences Institute, Singapore, July 18-21, 2001.
83.洪建志、陶幼慧、郭信智,金融業顧客關係管理系統建置之研究,中華決策科學學會2001年年會暨論文研討會,June 30,2001。
84.吳忠哲、陶幼慧、楊誌欽,國內線上教學環境使用者之認知探討,第十二屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,台灣大學,May 18-19, 2001。
85.蘇士豪、陶幼慧、吳有龍,主題聊天室主動行銷架構,第二屆電子化企業經營管理理論與實務研討會,大葉大學,April 28, 2001。
86.Hong, T., Wang, C. and Tao, Y.-H., Incremental Data Mining Based on Two Support Thresholds, Fourth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies, SUSSEX, U.K, Aug. 30-31/Sep. 1, 2000.
87.Tao, Y.-H. and Liu, L., A User Study for Executive Learning Systems, 4th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybermetics and Informatics, 2000,Orlando, Florida, July 23-26, 2000.
88.Tao, Y.-H. and Guo, S., A Mental Model for Simulation Statistical Analysis, Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, July 16-20, 2000.
89.陶幼慧、葉俶禎,全面品質管理與信用卡主管認知差異之探討,邁向二十一世紀品質管理技術應用研討會,義守大學,June 9, 2000。
90.陶幼慧,網頁設計原則應用之探討, 第十一屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,中山大學,May 20-21,2000。
91.Tao, Y.-H. and Yeh, R., Customer Retention Management System, Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of Western Decision Institute, Maui, Hawaii, April 18-22, pp. 1021-1026, 2000.
92.陶幼慧,萬恩銀行旅行加卡之競爭策略,全國大學企管個案競賽暨發表會,義守大學,March 25-26, 2000。
93.陶幼慧、楊公正,網路問卷網站之設計,展望新世記國際學術研討會,銘傳大學,March 23,2000。
94.郭幸民、陶幼慧,系統模擬實驗設計與分析之電腦輔助教學環境,工業工程年會暨研討會,清華大學,December 18,1999。
95.陶幼慧、賴秋燕、徐秀鳳,教師個人教學行政管理系統,第五屆資訊管理實務研討會,世新大學,December 11,1999。
96.陶幼慧、葉俶禎,中小企業電子商務企業模式,第三屆商業流通研討會,高雄第一科技大學,Nov. 29-30/Dec. 1,1999。
97.陶幼慧,行銷資訊系統架構,第一屆永續發展管理研討會,November 5-6,1999,國立屏東科技大學。
98.何宜芳、陶幼慧,企業再造的網路輔助學習環境研究與分析,第十屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,June 1999,中央警察學校。
99.陶幼慧,資訊功能部門參與全面品質管理的增強模式,邁向二十一世紀品質管理技術應用研討會,June 11,1999,義守大學。
100.Tao, Y.-H., Teaching the Experience of Simulation Analysis, in Proceedings of the 1999 European Simulation Multiconference, June1-4, Warsaw, Poland 。
101.陶幼慧、葉俶禎,Simple Database Marketing Tools for Great Marketing Results,第九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,June 1998,桃園中壢 。
102.Tao, Y.-H. and Nelson. B., A Conceptual Framework for Simulation Experiment Design and Analysis, in Proceedings of the 1994 Winter Simulation Conference, 681-688, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.


(C)Book Chpaters:
1.Ph.D. Dissertation: A Framework for Computer-Assisted Simulation Experiment Design and Analysis
2.Master Thesis: A Simulation Testbed for Simulation Procedures


(D) Book Editing: 
2.陶幼慧,資料庫行銷,台灣新聞報學術新知天地,6/22/98 。

3.Tao, Y.-H. and Yeh, C. R. Transforming the Personal Response System to a Cloud Voting Service, in IT Enabled Services by Uesugi, S. (editor), 139-156, 2013, Springer.



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